Case Studies

Oil and Gas Supermajor

The Challenge

  • Implement a digital solution to manage a large number of complex and changing requirements or obligations from many regulatory sources and jurisdictions.
  • Establish a central repository of all applicable regulations and rulebooks, from which compliance activities can be tracked through a workflow to provide oversight over compliance activities and obligations.
  • Maintain centralised evidence to support meeting compliance obligations.

The Solution

We worked with the client to digitise regulations, regulations monitoring, and compliance activities to enhance transparency and effective governance by creating:

  • A central Digital Library of all client-applicable Regulations and Regulatory requirements, with functionality for each Regulation and Regulation Clause to be owned by a Compliance Advisor or Manager. 
  • An on-going feed of applicable regulations and regulatory requirements, with a triage area to decide on applicability and organisational impact, before applying the changes to the regulation library and implementing changes to Regulatory Content such as Guidance, Training, Communications, Policies, Processes or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  • A central Digital Repository of Regulatory Content associated with the regulations and rulebooks, including guidance, training, policies, and email communications, to ensure standardisation against global, regional, and country processes​ and to support internal and regulator audits. 
  • Tailored workflows, which include relevant stakeholders in Compliance and Legal departments, to ensure that regulatory requirements are correctly defined and considered and owned within the organisation.   
  • A management system from which Compliance Tasks and Actions can be identified and workflowed with the additional benefit of proving to regulators that action has been taken and compliance actions are owned. 
  • A central area where Standard Operating Procedures can be incorporated into a system to ensure follow-the-sun specialists can provide compliance support to a global compliance function 24-7. 
  • Training Compliance area where completion of training is tracked and managed and actions tracked where employees are non-compliant. 
  • Case Management area for Compliance Managers and Legal departments to manage cases of non-compliance to regulations and rulebooks raised by surveillance systems or internally. 

The Outcome

Our solution has enabled the client to:

  • Ensure compliance against applicable regulations and evidence this to the regulator
  • Document and link their regulatory and business policies, processes, risks, and controls in a streamlined and concise manner, to enable self-correction by driving out weaknesses in the processes
  • To prevent or prepare for high impact events​ by driving operational discipline, supported through links to knowledge and governance​ areas.
  • Inform their organisation of these regulatory requirements in a user-friendly way. 
  • Record of historical regulatory content to provide a record of policies, training, guidance or SOPs that were in place by year.  
  • Efficiently respond to changing regulations and business operations and be able to provide a record of compliance activities and tasks for audit purposes. 
  • Effectively on-board employees into compliant ways of working​, with easily accessible and digestible content. 
  • Control the creation and update of regulatory materials across multiple regulatory areas and jurisdictions. 

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